Projects INTERMAT to support efficient crop cultivation The INTERMAT project, launched by CATRIN researchers in collaboration with commercial partners, aims to enhance...
Projects A new GAČR project unlocks cutting-edge tools for lipid system simulations Markéta Paloncýová has achieved a long-awaited success in the GAČR grant competition. Together with her...
Projects How do people accept nanotechnologies? One of important topics addressed by the TECHSCALE project How do people perceive the development of new nanotechnologies, and how can their benefits be...
Projects Scientists collaborate with companies to develop new solutions for the prevention and diagnosis of viral and bacterial diseases Palacký University Olomouc has launched a new research project—INTERVIR—aimed at implementing innovative methods to combat...
Projects The Nano4Tarmed projects is a success story Scientists at CATRIN, Palacký University, in collaboration with colleagues from Maynooth University in Ireland and...
Projects CATRIN joins the AURORA project for more efficient controlled agriculture The VALOR-LIGHT Valorization of Light-Activated Medicinal Plant By-Products for Novel Biotechnologies and Edible Crop Production)...
Projects TECHSCALE Conference Showcases Top Results How has the TECHSCALE project, part of the Jan Amos Komenský Operational Programme, advanced after...
Projects SAN4Fuel Summer School in Trieste welcomed top scientists from the field The latest advances in the field of single-atom catalysis and its use in energy or...
Projects Application project to verify the efficacy of iron nitride nanoparticles in real-life conditions On-site testing of iron nitride nanoparticles in groundwater contaminated with chlorinated ethylenes to prove their...
Projects NANO4TARMED held a final conference to review results The approaching conclusion of NANO4TARMED (Advanced hybrid theranostic nanoplatforms for an active drug delivery in...
TOP Projects CATRIN enters a European project to develop batteries of a new generation The international project LESIA: Laser Engineered Surfaces/Interfaces for Advanced Batteries convened its first meeting to...
Projects ERA Chair roundtable to enhance connection with industry On Thursday, March 14th, participants of the ERA Chair ACCELERATOR project’s roundtable, led by the...
TOP Projects AMADEUS to accelerate drug discovery AMADEUS, a breakthrough technological platform developed by the renowned chemist Alexander Dömling at Palacký University...
Events Projects TECHSCALE meeting at CATRIN Presentation of the results so far and search for more areas for interdisciplinary cooperation were...
Projects TECHSCALE ISAB elects Paolo Fornasiero as its chairman The first meeting of the International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) of the TECHSCALE project—Technology Beyond...
Interview Our people Projects Michal Otyepka: Collaboration is the only wayto move forward and remaininternationally competitive Thanks to CATRIN, Palacký University has won the prestigious TECHSCALE (TechnologyBeyond Nanoscale) project from the...
TOP Projects Single-atom engineering revolutionizes medicine, chemistry and energy New materials for energy acquisition and storage, nano-robots detecting or eliminating germs in the human...
TOP Projects CATRIN is coordinating a Horizon project to develop an innovative system for early and simple detection of Alzheimer’s disease A team of dedicated scientists and other professionals from the private sector is pioneering the...
TOP Projects CATRIN, a partner of OP JAK project focused on breeding new generation crops The TANGENC project, supported by the Jan Amos Komenský Operational Programme (OP JAK), will help...
TOP Projects Europe seeks protection from potato contagion. CATRIN scientists help with the solution Protecting European potato production from certain diseases, in particular the insect-transferred disease “zebra chip”, which...
Projects CATRIN scientists join brain implant research to test safety of graphene materials Scientists from the Czech Advanced Technologies and Research Institute – CATRIN at Palacký University will...
TOP Projects UP has received an elite project pushing the boundaries of nanotechnology in energy and medicine Palacký University in Olomouc (UP) has succeeded in the Jan Amos Komenský Operational Programme in...
Business Projects Revolutionary TA CR project to pioneer the world’s first portable Mössbauer spectrometer designed specifically for industrial applications Palacký University’s Iron Analytics spin-off company, in collaboration with the Czech Advanced Technology and Research...
TOP Projects Olomouc Scientist Awarded Prestigious ERC Grant for Groundbreaking Graphene Ink Research Michal Otyepka, a distinguished physical chemist from CATRIN, Palacký University, has been awarded a highly...