Our people Andrey Rogach is a member of the Academia Europaea Andrey Rogach, who alongside the City University of Hong Kong is also active in CATRIN...
Our people Sanja Ćavar Zeljković: Being a scientist makes me happy It started more than eight years ago with plant hormones strigolactones and continues to this...
Our people I am grateful for the valuable experience I gained at a prestigious university in the USA PhD student Veronika Šedajová recently returned from a five-month internship which she did in the...
Our people Tomáš Malina investigates whether nanomaterials are used safely Tomáš received his master degree in Molecular and Cell Biology, but during his studies, he...
Our people Veronika Šedajová gains experience in a top laboratory at Drexel University The PhD student Veronika Šedajová devotes herself to studying hybrid materials for energy storage at Drexel University in Philadelphia.
Our people CATRIN is led by physical chemist Pavel Banáš The Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute (CATRIN) has been led by the physical chemist Pavel Banáš.