Business Events Technologies from CATRIN presented in Africa The results of CATRIN research, especially plant biostimulants and technology for water purification using iron...
Events Partners CATRIN looking to expand collaboration with Spanish scientists The recent lecture by Dimas G. de Oteyza of the Research Centre for Nanomaterials and...
Events Partners CATRIN is interested in deepening cooperation with Israel Nanotechnologies for sustainable energy were presented by CATRIN representatives on a joint mission of Czech...
Events Partners Projects Ostrava hosted the first summer school of the SAN4FUEL project Participants in a summer school, which took place in the multifunctional auditorium of the Dolní...
Events Partners Scientists participated in the Sustainability and Civilization exhibition Medialogue has prepared the third part of a series of solo exhibitions by an Egyptologist...
Events Partners Projects Scientists evaluate results in developing a device to help treat neuroblastoma The results of the first year of the international GLEBBIOASSAY project, which aims to develop...
Events Partners Joint workshop to outline future collaboration with IT4Innovation Carbon dots, one of the most studied nanomaterials of the present time, were the central...
Events CATRIN joins the Academia Film Festival Olomouc The same as last year, CATRIN is one of the main partners of the 58th...
Business Events At C4B, researchers and investors search for common ground Bridging the two worlds of academia and business was the main goal of C4B –...
Events Our people CATRIN scientists contributed to the discussion on antibiotic resistance On Tuesday, April 11, the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic...
Events Partners Italian student gained experience not only in testing organometallic complexes A three-month work placement in the Biologically Active Complexes and Molecular Magnets group has been...
Events Debate with experts on cannabis How to use such a versatile plant as cannabis in agriculture, industry or healthcare? These...
Events CATRIN has participated in the Week of the Academy of Sciences Guided tours of the laboratories and a lecture at Fort Science for high school students...
Events Nanocon 2022 will focus on nanomedicine Latest scientific and technological challenges in nanomedicine will be the central theme of Nanocon 2022—the...
Events Researchers’ Night Attracted Visitors with Scientific Experiments and Excursions to Labs Several hundred visitors came to the Researchers’ Night event organized by CATRIN on Friday, Sept....
Events 7th Barrande Bioscience Meeting will be Organized by CATRIN Participants of the Czech-French Bioscience conference—Barrande—will talk about the use of nanoparticles and nanosystems in...
Events Researchers’ Night at CATRIN will offer experiments, excursions and a model of Mars The Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute (CATRIN) of Palacký University will join this year’s...
Events Partners The G4G conference created a place for intense interactions between scientists There is no time to sit back and wait for things to change, we need...
Events Traditional conference Green for Good aims at global challenges this year Not only plant research and plant biotechnology, but also other continuing global challenges will be...
TOP Events Partners Projects The prestigious EIC project grant has just started Wednesday’s kick-off meeting of all partners launched the European Innovation Council project EIC Transition Challenges....
Events Partners CATRIN and LIKAT’s interest in cooperation resulted in a memorandum Representatives of the Czech Advanced Technologies and Research Institute (CATRIN) of Palacký University and the...
Events G4G conference responds to global events and extends the range of topics Renowned plant biotechnology experts Alan Schulman and Gary Vallad, who study pathogen biology, disease epidemiology...
Events Partners CATRIN and ICN2 lay the foundations for future scientific collaborations A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 10 May 2022 by the Directors of the...
Events Projects Czech–French Project to Support Wetlands Remediation by Iron Nanoparticles A joint seminar kicked off a project bringing together CATRIN of Palacký University Olomouc and...