‘Water and Civilization’ is on view until mid-July

The exhibition of photographs entitled ‘Water and Civilization’ is on view in Olomouc, Horní náměstí, until July 14. CATRIN representatives Michal Otyepka and Jan Filip together with Radek Zbořil took part in the preparation of this touring exhibition two years ago. On large-screen panels, visitors can not only see photographs from places like Australia, Europe, Africa, Greenland or America, but also read the accompanying texts by internationally renowned scientists.

The aim of the exhibition is to show the story of water as a strategic raw material that has always influenced the evolution of human civilisation and is linked to various environmental transformations. What can be also seen are pictures from our region, with three two-sided panels presenting Olomouc, the organising city, along with the project partners. For example, scientists from the Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, part of CATRIN, present the possibilities of using nanotechnologies and nanoparticles for water purification. They depict water as a life-giving fluid as well as a source of energy.

“I’m very happy that the exhibition is so closely tied to the region. This is evidenced by the involvement of the Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, whose scientists are already widely recognized in Europe. On their panels they present in a very illustrative way the basic properties of water and its importance for life on planet Earth,” said the principal author of the exhibition, archaeologist and Egyptologist Miroslav Bárta. According to him, the ‘Water and Civilization’ is the first of a three-part series. This year, the exhibition entitled ‘Energy and Civilization’ followed, documenting man’s journey through time, with all ups and downs related to technological innovations and knowledge. The final section will focus on waste and its recycling. “I hope colleagues from Olomouc will take part as well,” Barta said.

Jan Filip from CATRIN, who was involved in the preparation of two panels, did not miss the formal opening in Olomouc. “I am glad that the exhibition, which also introduces our research, and ran first two years ago in Prague, is now in Olomouc. Among other things, we present the possibilities of using nanoparticles for groundwater purification. Groundwater contamination is a relatively specific problem as the pollution is not so obvious and also excludes the use of standard procedures normally applied on the surface,” said Filip.

The exhibition is available free of charge and can be viewed also at night, fully illuminated by solar panels.

Martina Šaradínová
June 27, 2021