Scientists participated in the Sustainability and Civilization exhibition
Medialogue has prepared the third part of a series of solo exhibitions by an Egyptologist Miroslav Bárta, this time entitled Sustainability and Civilization, which was officially opened on May 12 at Prague’s Kampa. The authors of 39 panels focus on the concepts of sustainability, the role of natural materials and the acquisition of clean energy. Seven panels were prepared by CATRIN scientists, namely Veronika Veselská, Michal Otyepka, Ivo Frébort, Jan Filip and Vojtěch Kupka.
“This country has a range, unfortunately not unlimited, of world-renowned scientists. Chemists from Olomouc gathered around Michal Otyepka for me represent the best that our country has to offer in this field. The choice to ask them to cooperate again was therefore quite clear,” said Miroslav Bárta, chief curator of the exhibition.
In the past, CATRIN researchers have also participated in the exhibition Water and Civilization, which started the series of exhibitions. They included Jan Filip, who this time prepared the texts for the panel entitled Circular Economy.
“Participating in this exhibition was very important for me. During the preparation and at the opening ceremony I met a number of important personalities in this field, both from academia as well as from industry. The issue of recycling is partly related to our research and is very important for me not only on a professional but personal level,” added Filip.

Veronika Veselská, on the other hand, tried her hand at collaboration for the first time. “I am grateful for the invitation and the opportunity to work on the topic of bio-waste recycling, which is very topical and allows everyone to contribute to sustainability. Attending the opening was a special moment for me, and I was pleased to see such a large crowd. I look forward to working with the organizers in the future and hope that the exhibition will also visit Olomouc, as it has done in the past,” Veselská added.
CATRIN researchers have also contributed to the creation of panels entitled How to Feed Humanity, Recycling Plastics, Energy in Your Pocket or Carbon on the Scene. The main idea of the exhibition is that our civilization is the first to date to fail to return most of what it produces back to nature or recycle. The individual panels focus on the concepts of sustainability, the role of natural materials, and the generation of clean energy. They present technological advances in these areas, show positive examples to help change public thinking and behavior.
The exhibition will be freely accessible until the end of June and, thanks to the illumination by solar panels it can also be viewed after dark.