Petra Čechová coordinates FemCOSY to support women in science
Petra Čechová from CATRIN has become the coordinator of FemCOSY—an initiative within COSY COST that focuses on women in science, especially in fields where they are under-represented. The aim of the initiative is to define the obstacles that prevent women in scientific careers.
“This position is a challenge for me, but I believe it makes sense to give space to women in science. Especially in fields where they are not very represented, such as chemistry and physics. They need to share their experiences and show not only students, but also colleagues in the field, that we are here and we are not alone in this,” said Čechová, who is involved in molecular-dynamic simulations of lipid membranes at CATRIN.
FemCOSY hosts webinars where participants talk about the obstacles faced by female scientists in particular. Discussions also focus on the steps needed to further development of women in science as well as on advice to young women interested in scientific careers.

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. It helps to connect research initiatives across Europe and allows scientists to develop their ideas by sharing them with their colleagues. This supports their research, careers and innovation.
The COST COSY action aims to provide computational and experimental building blocks for a basic understanding of limited molecular systems in order to manage them. The platform already brings together more than 320 participants from 45 countries (32 full-time or cooperating COST member countries of the European Union). It is divided into five closely interrelated working groups whose objectives range from describing the interaction between a molecule and its environment to synthesizing new materials with teranostic applications, for energy conversion and photocatalysis.
Within the COSY action, Petra Kührová is a “Young Research co-Cordinatior”, who aims to support young scientists and for example co-organised the “Listen to my Presentation”: