On holiday with CATRIN’s latest newsletter
CATRIN’s latest newsletter will bring you closer to what was happening in CATRIN during the first half of this year. You can can read about publications in Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Catalysis, Energy & Environmental Science and other prestigious journals, as well as about the launch of the ERC Proof of Concept grant, the European Innovation Council Transition Challenges grant, awards for our scientists, or the establishment of strategic partnerships with the Catalan Institute for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies in Barcelona and the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis in Rostock, Germany. We didn’t forget about an interview—this time round with the world-renowned sensory expert Arben Merkoçi. Last but not least, lovers of scientific comics will definitely enjoy the new episode.
The Newsletter is available at: https://www.catrin.com/catrin-nl-01-2022-en.pdf