Josef Středula, Chair of ČMKOS, visited CATRIN
Josef Středula, Chair of the Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions (ČMKOS), visited the Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute as part of his visit to Olomouc and Palacký University. During a conversation with representatives of the management of the research centre and the trade union organization, he was introduced to CATRIN’s main directions and most important research results. However, more general issues were addressed as well in relation to the position of higher education institutes and their employees at domestic universities.
The union leader spoke with CATRIN’s representatives not only about the position of higher education institutes, but also about the position of their employees, their representation in the university management, including academic senates, or possible changes to the Higher Education Act.
As it turned out during the debate, the Chair of ČMKOS is very familiar with this particular issue. Among other things, he is a member of the Scientific Board of the New Technologies Research Centre, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, with which CATRIN is also in contact.
“Thank you for the interesting discussion and I believe that Minister Helena Langšádlová and Minister Petr Gazdík will also pay visit to your centre. You certainly have something to show, not only within the Czech Republic. Fingers crossed,” said Středula after the meeting on his Twitter account.
At Palacký University, the Chair of ČMKOS also met with Rector Martin Procházka and had a debate with students and employees at the Department of Politics and European Studies of FF UP.