I hope that “my” nanomaterials will be useful
Sergii Kalytchuk comes from Ukraine, where he graduated from Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. He then received his doctoral degree from the V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) and spent some time at the City University of Hong Kong before coming to RCPTM, which is now part of CATRIN. For the last ten years, his research here has focused on the synthesis, characterization, and applications of fluorescent carbon nanoparticles. He hopes that the materials and technologies that he studies will be useful in many areas.
“We started our research on carbon nanoparticles in Hong Kong and knew that RCPTM did work in the same area, so it was a good opportunity for me to continue my research in this direction,” he said when asked to describe why he chose to come to Olomouc. Although nanoparticles initially consisted of toxic elements such as cadmium or mercury, these were quickly replaced by non-toxic precursors. It was clear that such non-toxic and biocompatible fluorescent nanoparticles could revolutionize the life sciences and medicine. Studies on nanoparticles of this type led to Sergii’s greatest achievement to date — the development of a fluorescent temperature nanosensor based on carbon dots for contactless in vitro monitoring of intracellular temperature.

“In my work, I love the excitement you get when you design a nanomaterial that has never been produced before. The applications of nanomaterials are not limited to biomedicine – they are also useful in photovoltaics, photoelectrochemistry, and anti-counterfeiting technologies. I hope that this list will be extended as more work is done,” the scientist explained.
His happiness in Olomouc is not just due to his interesting and diverse work. “I enjoy living here as this place is beautiful and safe at the same time. There are many opportunities for sports. For example, I like riding my bike on paths in my neighbourhood and outside the city. I also enjoy hiking in the nearby mountains,” he added.