CATRIN gains a prestigious partner for biomedical research from Taiwan
CATRIN of Palacký University and the National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) in Taiwan have agreed on scientific cooperation, preparation of joint programmes, exchange of researchers and other activities focusing on the use of nanomaterials in medicine. The agreement has been confirmed by both parties by signing a Memorandum of Understanding effective for five years.
“National Health Research Institutes is a major research institution whose main objective is to develop medical research and improve healthcare. Like CATRIN, it is dedicated to research on a number of civilisation diseases, including cancer, so we consider our cooperation to be very mutually beneficial. Already at the first meeting we identified specific research activities in which our institutes complement each other and on which our scientists have already started working. We are honoured to be working with yet another partner of such importance and standing. We believe that together we can make further significant steps towards understanding, preventing and treating certain diseases,” said CATRIN Director Pavel Banáš.

The aim of the collaboration is to actively seek appropriate funding for research in joint projects and to share knowledge and experience by hosting scientists, including PhD and MSc students, or at scientific seminars and conferences organised by the partners.
The National Health Research Institutes is a non-profit foundation established by the government in 1995. Scientists there conduct research on many aspects of basic biomedical sciences and specific diseases. This research addresses issues such as aging, cancer, infectious diseases, mental disorders, occupational diseases, and health policy.
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