British Ambassador to the Czech Republic Matt Field: CATRIN represents top Czech science

During his visit to the Olomouc Region and Palacký University, the British Ambassador to the Czech Republic Matt Field seized the opportunity to see the Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute (CATRIN UP). He was introduced to the Institute’s research activities, its results, and, last but not least, to the diverse collaboration with other universities and research institutions in Great Britain. The British diplomat also made a tour of CATRIN’s laboratories for materials and plant research.

“I am very glad that during my visit to the Olomouc Region I was able to visit CATRIN, which is a symbol of top Czech science. I am very pleased with the collaboration with British universities, including the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London, and I believe that it will bring new scientific discoveries and applied technologies to benefit society in general. I thank the centre very much for allowing me to see, for example, the microscope, which shows the individual atoms and their bonds. I look forward to my next visit,” said the Ambassador, summarizing his impressions.

It was the tour of the microscopic laboratory or phenotyping lines for the study of plant properties depending on the environment that the visit culminated with. Alongside the Ambassador, the Scientific Attaché of the British Embassy in Prague, Otakar Fojt, also participated in the visit.

“It was nice to see Field’s enthusiasms for the interconnection of basic and applied research at CATRIN. We have found specific topics where we see common potential and the Ambassador promised active participation in the search for further collaboration of research institutions from Great Britain and the CATRIN team towards common projects in the Horizon Europe calls,” said the Scientific Director of CATRIN-RCPTM Radek Zbořil.

The British diplomat also visited the UP Faculty of Arts and the Rector’s Office.

Martina Šaradínová
Monika Klimparová
November 7, 2023