At C4B, researchers and investors search for common ground
Bridging the two worlds of academia and business was the main goal of C4B – CATRIN for Business, hosted on Monday by the Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute of Palacký University. Researchers presented research results they consider suitable for transfer to practice to representatives of companies and technology transfer experts.
“The aim of the meeting was to deepen the connection between science and business in a significant way. We know that there is quite a big gap, the so called “death valley” between these sectors that needs to be overcome during the technology transfer process. To do this, we have prepared presentations of recently developed technologies that we consider promising in this respect. I believe that C4B was not a one-off event, but it will start a new tradition,” said CATRIN Director Pavel Banáš.
Among the technologies presented were, for example, graphene derivatives usable in devices for energy storage, graphene biosensors, and effervescent iron nanoparticle tablets for water purification, catalysts to speed up and cheapen the industrial production of many important drugs and chemicals, biostimulants for agricultural applications, technology for the “production” of antibacterial peptide cathelicidin in barley and others.
“Linking science and scientists with the requirements of investors and companies is crucial and the discussion that has opened up for most projects only confirms this. Both sides are learning to work together and communication and understanding of the processes is essential for future success. There is a long way ahead of us, but that’s what makes it more interesting. All the technologies presented have not only international ambitions, but more importantly real international potential. Some of them are even so big that they can become a disruptor of existing practices in a given segment. I believe that it is only a matter of time before processes are built and open the way to other, today unsuspected collaborations and projects,” said CEO of Jakub Domitra.
“I consider it crucial to organize such events and to discuss the details of individual projects. I believe that we can find a common ground and will be able to move forward, i.e. to set priorities and specific steps to bring the product or project to real life,” added Jiří Navrátil from IP Lab Ventures, an investment fund dedicated to incubating academic projects so that they attract investors from abroad.
The director of the Innovation Centre of the Olomouc Region, Tomáš Dostál, also offered to cooperate. “Our role is primarily to create innovation platforms in the region. Within the Olomouc Region we are able to find suitable links and connections,” he reminded.